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The Adekunle Ajasin University, As It Then Was - By SadoRoy.

Some few days back, I took a walk around the school campus and a sudden feeling of sadness engulfed me. I cannot help but ask "who did this to Adekunle Ajasin?." the Yoruba people will say "oh pade Owo lona,  gbagbe iyi sile" - when you meet money in your travails and forgets honor at home. Adekunle Ajasin is now a shadow of its former self. This is an institution known for its glorious days. I walked into some of the cafes and the bursary unit in school and I see a lot of people obtaining and filling "leave of absence form" - they have given up on the educational sector that once gave them hope, if that is not enough to start a revolution, then I guess we will continue to remain like this. I know what the aluta spirit in AAUA felt like years ago. 
  I schooled here for 6 good years, I was about to graduate when the fees was astronomically increased for no just cause, the governor wanted to feel like he has value, wanted to test his mic and wanted people to know that a new abacha is in town. I schooled here with reformer, k-divine, sue d bastard, the legendary water, I knew Charles, and then blackey before he became a senseless nonentity - now who in their right senses voted for Sampraise? Your president can't even speak properly without tottering and stuttering, and he writes like someone who is suffering from gonorrhea of comprehension and composition. How can Sampraise confront the authority when he's just a stooge of the authority? How can I be president and the school will still be open now? By now we should have put the school on lock down - making this sets of academically rippers understand that education is not by force, our leaders have little to no education at all and they are gutting our national treasury senseless. We would learn skills, acquire knowledge, learn a trade, start a business, start a campaign, an NGO, travel out, enjoy our lives, connect with friends, get married, have children and understand the importance of family... You see, there are a thousand things we could do without having to go to school. I want to ask - what exactly has Arakunrin aketi done since he became governor? I cannot pin point any of his achievement ever since he became governor, he's as ineffective as Sampraise , besides ever since the fees were increased, what exactly had changed in AAUA? How is it commonsensical to build new structures when the former ones look like ancient ruins from the city of Rome? Look at Mass communication building, except from the beautiful flowers, the walls have a resemblance to an impending disaster, now to think that exact place is where the results of thousands of students are been compiled is an eyesore, the walls are broken, the building is weak, and yet, that is where Webmaster administers and put out results at risk. I am really not surprised when you log on to avers and Manchester United would have played 90 minutes + extra time before you can load a page, Facebook has more than a billion people on its site and it loads effortlessly, but AAUA AVERS has just 15 thousand students and it won't load unless you can invoke some Fadeyi Oloro incantation. There was really an institution. Why exactly are we allowing this evil. We all fear for our lives? We all fear for rustication and suspension but we are treated like slaves in Freetown. I used the school toilets some days ago and I was forced to start washing the toilets, I was damn angry and amazed that we could get so little for so much. The walls sockets are no better than the wall geckos in the classes, they don't work, the classroom benches are likened to an agbero under- the - tree settlement. When we paid 25k the school gen was operated within the hours of 9-4, now we pay 150k, it is operated between the hours of 10-2, no wifi as promised, no incentives as promised, the teaching system is still as archaic and as obsolete as the dragon glass used in the game of thrones to kill the night king, I am really amazed that we are all keeping our calm and no one is doing anything. 
Students have now lost hope in coming for Classes, the glare isn't there, even the entertainment sector is dead, I spit on its grave. Those that actually knows the value of education - are the children of the poor, but they have been denied access to the only benefit they actually get from the government. The justification for this increment is that other private institutions are paying more, what a stupid, iconoclastic reasoning, if I had money, would I have been here in the first place? This place is for those who knows the value of education but do not have the funds to pursue it. The former governor, mimiko didn't increase our school fees and yet the school stood in all its glory and everyone was happy, we didn't have much but we made use of the little we had and did great with it, but this our new Jack the Ripper increased the school fees and not one single development is taking place, they are building new structures with TETFUND and federal government grants, but what about the 100,000 to 200,000 yahoo yahoo funds they are gathering? It has changed absolutely nothing. The former buildings are in rot, the toilets are like death traps, no street light around the health centre, no free wifi, they can't even elongate the span of the period when they put on the generator, rather. They shorten the life span, there is no plan for students whatsoever, they collected reparation fee and yet they didn't repair nothing. Are you people not angry? The governor and the institution management sees us as fools, kids who should be subdued without a voice or a reaction. We are zombies in our own school. 
  I use to think BowBow administration was the worst in AAUA, but Sampraise just broke the record. I can't forget the first time I had an issue with your president, boy called his dad and the dad threatened me with their family idol and gave me 7 days to retract my statement, not until when the blessed Sue D Bastard called daddy and told him to go and buy Jamb Form if he want to poke nose into school affairs. Let's be honest, Sampraise administration has been pathetically useless, utterly speechless, Grave dead silent and iconoclastically cantankerous. Never should you vote again if the so called SUG President cannot be feared by your management? There are two things that I believe more than death. 1, an effective SUG president should be able to confront the management and give them his terms and conditions, secondly, an effective VC should be able to get at least 1 billion naira in form of support, not even touching the school fee or government money. That's what responsible schools do. They go all the way out to get funds instead of levying the students and destroying a lot of lives. 
Can you even imagine that, after many students couldn't pay the fees, they ran around to get it, they will still pay 5k as penalty for late payment. How can you increase something from 25 to 200 and want us to find it as soon as possible, yet, you are collecting 200k but can't even develop the school as soon as possible, isn't that hypocritical, this thing push me to tears, I went to pay that penalty and I saw someone obtaining the leave of absence form, I was just shedding tears, he didn't want to, he was so weary, I swear I would have paid his fees at that juncture. This buhari period is hard but the school authority is making eveything hell fire for us. Is it until everyone gets tired and start picking up arms against the management. Can't you see? Just because the fees were increased, house owners started increasing rents, market women started increasing the price of goods, Agolo and Keke napep drivers are increasing fares, should we die all because you don't know how to control affairs? People are suffering, you leaders should fix up your lives. 
Do we have to destroy this institution for mindless political undertone, the VC does not want to lose his job as he's seen as the VC of the previous administration, The governor wants to do everything so he can get frustrated and leave, tunji abayomi who was once in the primary but wasn't given the ticket, now is the opportunity for him to frustrate Arakunrin regime. Whoever is advising aketi to go down this lane is probably his sworn enemy, if not why would you turn against the very people that brought you to power, he should learn from what happened to his counterpart at ibadan. I say this, after aketi's first regime, he will become as politically irrelevant as the button at the back of a collar.
The way forward - let's bring back the past of aketi, he was mindlessly corrupt as the NBA chairman, infact the NBA had to just bury the court cases against him, I am sure they bought the case. Akeredolu has charges brought against him by Good Governance Monitor for siphoning 3.3 million naira that the Niger State Government donated to the organization which he headed. He was also accused of siphoning 11.320m in office as the NBA chairman, the allegation was brought by his own 3rd vice president, his financial secretary and the welfare director. This is just a tip of the iceberg, more investigation suggested that he siphoned the 20bn Paris funds the FG released for state governments to pay the salaries of their civil servants, amidst others.
The most important thing is a revolution, a lock down, running this school in this regime will only depreciate this school, the current management do not have the technical know how do how knowledge of running an institution, and the aketi led administration does not have any good plan for the state talk more of the institutions. We don't even have to fight. Just lock the school, let's go home and do all those things stated up there, Akeredolu will be as irrelevant as he was before becoming governor, he won't have any other reason than to call us back. No hash tag of wanting to return,  no fights, outcries, let the school keys be with the president, let's all unify to do something great. It looks like a mirage, but without action, this school is just akin to sitting on a keg of gun powder, heading for the jugular in 3 2 1.
SadoRoy . A 21st Century Philosopher [Graduate]

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